Published on 23 August 2024 at 16:52

When should I get my home tested for Mold?


You should get your home tested for Mold when the following items are in your corner • Prior sump pump failure or basement flooding • Prior roof leaks • Crawl space homes • Vacant or flipped homes • Recently remodeled homes • Finished basements with carpet • Vacation homes • If your doctor suggests it due to certain allergies or Asthma • Homes not taken care of i.e., dirty home • Notice Unusual Smells and Odors • Have Constant Health Issues • Current Health Issues Are Worsening • Having a Baby • Notice Water Damage and Flooding • Have an Older Property

When should I get a Mold test done on my home or the home I am purchasing?

When a seller of a home states that their basement flooded or sump pump failed & when you hear the following Prior roof leaks Crawl space homes Vacant or flipped homes Recently remodeled homes Finished basements with carpet Vacation homes If your doctor suggest it due to certain allergies or Asthma Pricing is $399 and may be more charges due to extra samples needed

Why are some Home inspectors charging $300 and your pricing is around $490 to $900?

The home inspectors that charge around $300 do not have the extensive knowledge education training or experience like we do those inspectors generally are newer less than one two or three years of experience. They do not understand pricing their value and therefore cannot demand a higher price because of their lack of experience. Our average fee is $800

Do you have sample reports I can look at?

Sample reports can be found on the link below https://www.spectora.com/home-

What happens if you break something during an inspection?

We never intentionally break anything out of inspection however in the rare case that something is broken, and it is our fault we of course will pay for the repair. If during testing components of the home which is our job and something breaks that is not our fault that item simply needs to be repaired by the seller we were testing something that is either at end of life was already broken or installed incorrectly are the reasons for most things breaking during inspection


What classes have you taken to become a Certified Master Inspector?

You can view my 200 Continuing Credit Education hours here file:///C:/Users/todde/Downloads/todd-engle-cmi-transcript-2023-02-05.pdf


Do you offer any warranties?

Clients of ours do get a FREE 30 day warranty FREE Warranty info: unique URL: https://guardhomewarranty.com/good-eye/


What does the typical sewer repair cost?

Depends on the type of repair needed cleaning of the sewer line can run around $1,000 or less if total replacement is needed it can be anywhere between $5,000, $ 10,000 or $20,000 it will depend on the length of the pipe and how deep it is buried.


What social media platforms are you on?

We are on many social media platforms. You Tube: @goodeyehomeinspectionstodd7156 FB: homeinspectorgoodeye Twitter: @goodeyehome & IG: @goodeyehomeinspections


How many homes have bed bugs or mice?

Not many homes have bed bugs very rarely do we see that approximately 35% of homes do have mice

What should I do on my final walk-through before closing?

On your final walkthrough before closing you should make sure that the house is clean they didn't leave the place trashed, the thermostat is working go ahead and test it, make sure there's no broken windows, damaged walls, go ahead and run a little bit of water, flush a toilet or two, walk into the basement make sure everything seems to be in order for you




Do most homes have enough insulation?

If your home was built in The Last 5 Years yes if older than 5 years old no. Basically 95% of homes do not have enough installation in the Attic

What qualifications state that your a Certified Master Inspector?

To become a CMI you have to have the following requirements All CMIs® have completed at least 1,000 fee-paid inspections and/or hours of training and education combined. All CMIs® have been in the inspection business for at least three years prior to becoming Board-Certified. All CMIs® abide by the inspection industry's toughest Code of Ethics. All CMIs® have completed professional education prior to being approved. All CMIs® have agreed to submit to periodic criminal background checks. Not everyone can become a Certified Master Inspector®. Hiring a CMI® means hiring the best.


Are smaller homes easier to inspect?

Smaller homes can be more difficult there usually over 100 years old have crawl spaces and there's been many years of people "touching" the property and making improvements or non-improvements that cause our job to be more difficult and challenging


Do you do septic tank testing?

We do not but we do complete sewer scopes which is from the sewer line from the home to the tank. When buying a home with a septic tank we recommend these 3 items. Septic Top 3: • Seller should provide name, number & proof of the company that last cleaned it out or inspected it, call that company to gain more info/recent repairs etc • Call the Board of Health for the county the home is in and speak to a septic inspector to get the records of the last inspection (the county should inspect them every 3 years or less) ask them to review prior to your purchase • Have the septic system inspected by a separate company that specializes in septic inspections/clean out of septic systems


What is the average cost of a home inspection?

Price's very based off the size of the home/square footage. The larger the home larger the price smaller the home smaller the price but on average it is $490-565  that includes a termite inspection. Ala carte Services would be radon testing and a sewer scope


I think the home is in good condition based off the seller disclosure should I skip the inspection

You should never skip a home inspection! The seller disclosures most of the time or not true or accurate and not the true condition of the home. We had a client this year waive the inspection then had us out to do the inspection and we uncovered over $50,000 in repairs needed


Should I work with a Realtor to purchase a home?

Absolutely you should work with a realtor when buying a home, it is free no charge to you and they protect you from a legal standpoint and have your best interest at heart


Are all your home inspectors licensed?

Yes, we are and it is a requirement and law that inspectors be licensed in the state of Ohio

What time slots do you have for inspections?

We are very flexible and can-do inspections almost anytime you need them we prefer to get them done between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 or 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. so that we can always get the report to you within a few hours of the inspection same day


What kind of continuing education or education do you have that makes you the best in the city?

Myself personally as the owner I have over 200 hours of continuing education and my team has over 140 hours each with over 50 years of construction experience we are all required to do 14 hours a year of continuing education. I have personally lived in 16 homes in Cincinnati and Kentucky over the last 30 years and flipped and renovated and built another 25 homes. I was also a Senior mortgage loan officer for one of the largest banks in the United States for 10 years





You offer any warranties or guarantees?

We do work closely with a warranty company and can help you get set up with them if the seller has not provided a warranty for you in the first year? The only guarantee we offer is that will show up on time be professional and give you the best inspection you will ever receive


Do you do well water testing, mold or asbestos testing?

We do not personally offer well water or asbestos, but we do offer Mold testing. I do work closely with companies that provide a professional service of this nature and we can help you in getting that lined up


How long do the inspections take?

Generally, inspections can take 2 and 1/2 to 3 hours. And then we spend time with you at the end to go over any questions you may have and show you repairs needed on the property we always have the report to you Same Day


What forms of payment do you take?

We take cash check or credit card

Can I be at the inspection?

Yes, we welcome you to be at the inspection the entire time or you can show up at the end for an overview we will answer all of your questions show you what needs repaired and have the report to you Same Day


Do I need a sewer scope?

Absolutely 100% of the time even on new construction we find issues with sewer lines most of the homes older than 50 years there is a 95% chance of a sewer line issue which can be between $5,000, $10,000 and or $20,000 to repair. We were the first inspection company in Cincinnati to start doing sewer scopes and our certified and licensed to do so


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Todd Engle
7 months ago
